Janet Jackson Performs A Tribute To Michael Jackson At The VMAs
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Around the Web?

Unique, Unusual, & Just Plain Insane Celebrity Baby Names
Unique, Unusual, & Just Plain Insane Celebrity Baby Names
We love unique baby names, but some Hollywood celebrities take being creative to a whole ‘nother level! Let’s check out some of the unusual and wacky celebrity baby names we’ve heard recently! Busy Phillips & Marc Silverstein Actress Busy Philipps and her husband Marc Silverstein named their daughter Cricket Pearl. But little Cricket joins her ...
Unique, Unusual, & Just Plain Insane Celebrity Baby Names Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
HGTV, LA and Dining Room Tables
I've been watching a lot of HGTV since coming to LA. My favorite shows are House Hunters and House Hunters International. There's also another show I like to watch called For Rent, but only because it makes me angry.
When it comes to apartments/homes, I think living in New York for the past eleven years has made me bitter because there was this whiny broad on For Rent a few nights ago who was looking at a huge place—A HUGE PLACE—and was like, "There's no place for a dining room table..."
I hated her.
Now there's some stupid lady on House Hunters who wants a townhouse with a fireplace that she can turn on with a light switch. IT HAS TO BE A LIGHT SWITCH because she doesn't want to bend down and flip a switch on the floor.
Anyway, I know my LA update is WAY overdue (and truth be told I wrote a long one last week but for some reason it didn't save so I lost the whole thing and I was so angry that I just said, "Ah, f*ck it," and closed the computer instead of rewriting) but to give you a quick update, I AM SO HAPPY HERE. I MEAN, I'M REALLY, REALLY HAPPY. And I think living here and watching HGTV—both of these things combined—has made me realize that New York was just beating me down. I mean, the fireplace lady—yes, she's an idiot. But there's nothing wrong with wanting a dining room table. Why did I get so mad at that lady?
Since being here, at least once a day I ask myself why I have lived in New York for so long. (It's like I had Stockholm Syndrome or something.) CALIFORNIA IS AWESOME. It's like the promised land. It's sunny all the time and there are birds and flowers everywhere. I have space out here. I have a sofa on the patio out here. I HAVE A SOFA OUTSIDE. I haven't seen one rat since I've been here. But hummingbirds? THEY ZIP BY MY HEAD EVERY DAY. I am so happy.
I'm supposed to go back to New York in November, but truth be told, I'm not sure I will.
Celebrity Boob Gazers: They Just Can?t Help It!
Celebrity Boob Gazers: They Just Can’t Help It!
Celebrities, just like average guys and gals, find it hard not to stare when an awesome pair of breasts present themselves. We’ve compiled some funny photos of celebrities caught red-handed boob gazing and some stars enjoying the view of their own knockers! Will.i.Am and Pamela Anderson attended the Bloomberg after party for the White House ...
Celebrity Boob Gazers: They Just Can’t Help It! Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Justin Bieber Searches For One Fan To Dance On Believe Tour
"We're gonna make you believe in magic," tour director Jon Chu says in online casting call.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber</a> is offering up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one of his lucky Beliebers.</P><P>The singer has just launched a campaign where fans can upload videos of themselves dancing. One lucky dancer will score a coveted audition spot with Bieber to try and snag a dancer position on his <a href="/news/articles/1686358/justin-bieber-believe-tour.jhtml"><i>Believe</i> tour</a>.</P><P>Bieber, with the help of his "Never Say Never" helmer and his tour director, Jon M. Chu, will be scouring <a href="http://www.youtube.com/ds2dio" target="_blank">Chu's D-Studio</link> to find the next great dancing talent. The campaign launched Friday (August 3), while in-person dance auditions kicked off earlier this week in L.A.</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Justin Bieber Proving His Haters Wrong With 'Good Music'" id="vid:793035" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"Justin also has such a huge online component, that's where he was discovered," Chu told <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/335327/Justin-Bieber-Launches-New-Site-to-Find-Dancers-for-Believe-Tour" target="_blank">E! News</a>. "You can upload your own video and audition."</P><P>"We're only looking for the best dancers in the world. I know you and I, we want to take it to a whole other level," choreographer Nick DeMoura added in a video posted with Chu on D-Studio about the tour. "It's gonna be like an epic journey."</P><P>The guys are looking for dancers of all styles. Chu added that Bieber and the team have a certain goal for the tour, "We're gonna make you believe in magic." Submissions must be in by August 17. The tour kicks off September 29 in Glendale, Az. <a href="/news/articles/1690792/carly-rae-jepsen-justin-bieber-tour.jhtml">Carly Rae Jepsen will open</a> for the singer.</P><P>If dancers are looking for some inspiration, <a href="/news/articles/1688265/justin-bieber-after-believe.jhtml">manager Scooter Braun</a> has noted that the King of Pop has been influencing the <a href="/news/articles/1690978/rihanna-only-girl-best-pop-video-video-music-awards.jhtml">VMA-nominated Bieber</a> as of late.</P><P>Not only does Michael Jackson inspire the <a href="/news/articles/1691125/justin-bieber-michael-madsen-michael-jackson-connection.jhtml">"As Long As You Love Me" video</a>, but he also inspires the trek, kicking off this fall.</P><P>"He has been watching a tremendous amount of Michael Jackson concerts from the '80s and '90s," Braun shared. "And he has been talking to me about how Michael incorporated magic and pyro and reveals and he wants to bring in that. [But] still do that acoustic thing, but he wants to take it to a whole new level.</P><P>"It's just really exciting," he continued. "Nothing makes him happier than being onstage. So it's gonna be fun to get back onto the road. I think he was an amazing performer before, but his level of dance and musicianship and his range [has grown]. He's a veteran now. I think he wants to take it to a completely new level."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Is Carly Rae Jepsen Prepared To Hit The Road With Justin Bieber?" id="vid:820624" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P><i>Think you have what it takes to dance on Bieber's tour? Let us know in the comments!</i></P>
Related ArtistsGangnam Style Star Psy An Alcoholic?
Gangnam Style Star Psy An Alcoholic?
Psy, the popular “Gangnam Style” singer, has opened up about what sounds like a serious problem. The singer said he drinks all the time and that vodka is his “best friend”. The internet sensation hit over three billion views this month, but it seems Psy has a drinking problem. During a candid interview with The ...
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Selena Gomez Celebrates 21st Birthday?With Justin Bieber!
Selena Gomez Celebrates 21st Birthday…With Justin Bieber!
Selena Gomez celebrated her 21st birthday on Saturday, with her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber surprising her by attending the event. Bieber arrived with his friends and bodyguards in his leopard-print Audi R8, carrying a single red rose. An insider said that when Selena saw him she “started to cry”. Another source said, “She was all over ...
Selena Gomez Celebrates 21st Birthday…With Justin Bieber! Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Chloë Sevigny Christina Aguilera Christina Applegate Christina DaRe
Will 'The Wolverine' Claw His Way To #1 At Box Office?
Hugh Jackman's sixth outing as badass mutant expected to collect at least $60 million this weekend.
By Ryan J. Downey
Monday, July 29, 2013
Christina Aguilera Stuns With New Slender Body!
Christina Aguilera Stuns With New Slender Body!
Christina Aguilera was fat-shamed last year by critics, but has certainly shut them up after losing 20 pounds and looking fabulous! Aguilera attended an NBC press event in Beverly Hills on Saturday, showing off the results of her hard work in a hot pink mini dress. The 32-year-old Grammy-winning singer looked healthy and happy in ...
Christina Aguilera Stuns With New Slender Body! Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Halle Berry & Her Family Enjoy the Movies!
The actress and her new hubby see 'Turbo' with Nahla! Plus, see more photos of celebs spending time with their loved ones!
Beyonce's Shout-Out Floors Snuggie-Clad 'Countdown' Video Mastermind
Seeing praise for his 'Snuggie Version' tribute on B's website was 'the best moment of my life,' 16-year-old superfan tells MTV News.
By Cory Midgarden
<P>When Ton Do-Nguyen uploaded his shot-for-shot <a href="http://newsroom.mtv.com/2012/07/18/beyonce-fan-video-countdown-snuggie">recreation of Beyoncé's "Countdown" video</a> to the Web, he didn't expect it to be seen by anyone other than his friends and family. But with more than 500,000 views on YouTube and the stamp of approval from the Queen B herself, the junior class president from Pennsylvania has quickly learned the power of the Internet.</P><P>"I'm going on her website, and I just start screaming," Ton said about reading a post in which <a href="http://www.beyonce.com/news/brilliant" target="_blank">Beyoncé praises his "Snuggie Version,"</a> calling it "brilliant."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Ton Do-Nguyen Made His Beyonce Parody For 'Fun'" id="vid:816890" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"That was literally the best moment of my life — hands down," the 16-year-old told MTV News. "I was scared she would get mad. ... When she posted it on her wall and everything, it was so positive."</P><P>It's not just the superstar singing Ton's praises either: Everyone from <a href="https://twitter.com/PerezHilton/status/225726296385277952" target="_blank">Perez Hilton</a> to "Glee" star <a href="https://twitter.com/iharryshum/status/225651447864360960" target="_blank">Harry Shum Jr.</a> are bowing down to the Snuggie-clad tribute, with the same question on everybody's mind: How the heck did he do it?</P><P>"For each specific part, I would just look on YouTube and try and get it down to a T in front of my mirror and go off and film it," Ton explained. "It's so tiring, and do you know what it's like to be in a Snuggie in the middle of July?"</P><P>And while the sleeved blanket was originally used merely as a fashion statement to set the two clips apart, Ton revealed that the body-length fleece ended up serving useful in the production as well: "I used my Snuggie as a blue screen and wore a blue shirt and then I just did my thing."</P><P><i>What do you think of Ton Do-Nguyen's recreation of "Countdown"? Tell us in the comments below!</i></P>
Related ArtistsMichael Jackson Immortal Tour: How They Uphold The Legacy
MTV News gets a behind-the-scenes look at the Cirque Du Soleil tribute to the King of Pop.
By Uptin Saiidi
<P><b>NEWARK</b> — Since its opening, <a href="/news/articles/1682347/michael-jackson-immortal-cirque.jhtml">Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour</a> by Cirque Du Soleil has honored the King of Pop through music, dance and acrobatics 117 times. Night after night, artists celebrate the life of the late Michael Jackson, but how do they take his iconic legacy and put it into a production? When the tour came to New York City this week, MTV News went behind the scenes to talk with the creative forces and performers to find out.</P><P>The artists (all 65 of them) had limited time to train and learn choreography -- an especially difficult feat when it's honoring MJ's signature moves. It was a kind of pressure that creative director Tara Young certainly learned to channel into a positive force.</P><P><CENTER><embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.com:755805/cp~vid%3D755805%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Amtv.com%3A755805" width="430" height="242" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="."></embed></CENTER></P><P>"I think it is a pressure for sure; something I share with the whole building here is that we have nothing to prove, only to share," Young told MTV News. "We have an opportunity to share what Michael would have wanted to share and the pressure is only there to achieve excellence."</P><P>For Felix Cane, a two-time world champion pole dancer who does a captivating performance to "Danger," it was all about using that pressure to help the audience to remember the pop icon. "You are sharing this passion with them, and this love of MJ. There's times in the show when some people and I, myself, might have shed a few tears."</P><P>That pressure never felt as great as when the Jackson family sat in the front row at a show in Montreal, an experience Young described as "inspiring." When asked what MJ would think if he were sitting there with them, Young smiled, "He would feel such a sense of pride of what he has given us to work with. It evokes emotions in people that they didn't even know were going to come out."</P><P>I think everyone feels inspired, which evokes a certain feeling of change," Young added. "You feel a sadness too because he is not with us anymore, and that is an emotion that is wonderful too actually ... just to honor him."</P><P>The tour will continue in North America through the summer, before heading to Europe this fall.</P><P><i>Have you seen Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour? What did you think? Leave your comment below!</i></P><P><center><a href="http://www.mtv.com/photos/?fid=1617615"><img src="http://www.mtv.com/news/photos/s/spotted/banner/spotted.jpg"></a></center></P>
Related ArtistsReader Reviews
The movie tie-in edition of "20 Times a Lady"—now called "What's Your Number?"—is now available wherever fine books are sold!
To celebrate its publication, a few of my favorite readers came up with these great reviews...
"What's Your Number? is like Harry Potter minus the wizards, wands, and Lord Voldemort." —Michelle Bell
"What's Your Number? is like Gone With the Wind except with less hoop skirts and poverty and more beaus..." —Karen Meyer
"What's Your Number? is like To Kill a Mockingbird without all the racism and children." —Julie Stone
Thanks ladies!
Please add your review in the comments!
Ke$ha Gives Flaming Lips Frontman His First-Ever Toe Tattoo
Wayne Coyne talks about what happens when you work with 'freaks' like Ke$ha on The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends.
By James Montgomery
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/flaming_lips/artist.jhtml">Flaming Lips</a> mastermind Wayne Coyne took away more than just <a href="http://pitchfork.com/news/46404-flaming-lips-blood-vinyl-10-copies-2500-features-keha-erykah-badu-nick-cave-chris-martin-blood/" target="_blank">a vial of blood</a> when he traveled to Nashville to record with <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/kesha_/artist.jhtml">Ke$ha</a>. (Though, really, you'd think that would be enough.) He also left with his first-ever tattoo ... not to mention a newfound respect for the wild-child pop star.</P><P>"Most of the time, if someone's willing to work with me, they're going to be a freak. And Ke$ha ... I sort of thought that she would be a freak, I'd heard about her and we'd tried to get a hold of her earlier," Coyne told MTV News backstage at the <a href="/news/articles/1685474/dave-matthews-band-hangout-fest.jhtml">Hangout Fest</a> in Gulf Shores, Alabama. "We showed up at her house, and she has a tattoo gun that she gives everyone a tattoo with, so within 20 minutes of being at her house, I had a tattoo on my toe; it's the only tattoo I've ever had.</P><P>"We were set to do this one song that I had prepared, and we went into the studio that night, and stayed there until about 2 in the morning, and did four songs, just making stuff up," he continued. "And the next day [we] worked for another couple hours. She's funny, she's gracious, she's imaginative, she's creative and she's <i>a lot</i> of fun to be around."</P><P>The result of that collaboration (a song called "2012") shows up on the Lips' special Record Store Day double-LP, <i>The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends,</i> a thoroughly out-there collection of songs and sound-collages that — as the title implies — the band recorded with the likes of Bon Iver, Nick Cave, Neon Indian, Yoko Ono and, uh, Coldplay's Chris Martin ... to name just a few. But will fans get to hear even <i>more</i> of the Flaming Lips/Ke$ha team-up? Well, Coyne certainly hopes so.</P><P>"We really loved making this music together — I think I've probably done six or seven songs with her — and I know a lot of her fans like ['2012'], but I don't know if we'll put more songs out there," he said. "She has other agendas besides doing music with Wayne, you know, but I hope so, because I think it's really great, crazy, <i>unexpected</i> music. And she, to her credit, loves what we do. She wants it to be whatever. She has no limits of what she wants it to be."</P><P>And don't think the <i>Heady Fwends</i> sessions will be the last time Coyne and Ke$ha share time (or blood) in the studio. If anything, the Lips' recent output of, uh, <i>non-traditional</i> releases — songs encased in gummy skulls and fetuses, 24-hour noise-jam freakouts that <a href="http://flaminglipstwentyfourhoursong.com/" target="_blank">play for all eternity</a>, limited-edition vinyl filled with actual blood, etc — suggests Coyne and Co. are just getting started ... and they're going to get even weirder before they're finished.</P><P>"That's been the beautiful thing about all of these weird collaborations and projects; you work with <i>freaks.</i> Even working with someone like Chris Martin, he's very open to, like, 'Let's do stuff!' That's the great surprise about it," Coyne said. "I don't think people are surprised when we work with a group like Lightning Bolt or Neon Indian — people think of us as like-minded — but the surprising thing with the Chris Martins or the Ke$has, they're like us too, they just don' play music that sounds like that all the time."</P>
Related ArtistsSunday, July 28, 2013
Michael Jackson - The Behind The Mask Project
- Artist: Michael Jackson
- Label: Epic
- Director: Dennis Liu
Alecia Elliott Alessandra Ambrosio Alexis Bledel Ali Campoverdi
Amy Adams' Vancouver Stroll with Her Family
Enjoying the perfect summer day, Amy Adams headed out in Vancouver with her family on Sunday (July 28).
The ?Man of Steel? beauty donned a boho-chic ensemble while taking a stroll with her beau Darren and daughter Aviana.
In related news, Miss Adams recently chatted with ELLE magazine about the hardships of being in the limelight.
?Being an actress hasn't made me insecure. I was insecure long before I declared I was an actress. I like not being noticed,? Amy explained. "It has been a struggle because I love performing, but if I'm in a group of people and someone has a bigger personality I'm like, 'Go ahead, and have fun!' It looks like a lotta work."
Halle Berry: Wonderful in White
Picking up a few essentials, Halle Berry stopped by Bristol Farms in West Hollywood on Saturday (July 27).
The ?X-Men? beauty donned a white sun dress that casually hid her baby bump as she carried her newly purchased items out of the store.
In related news, Miss Berry recently chatted with Sky News about her plans post-birth.
?After giving birth I will go back to work as soon as possible,? Halle explained. ?When I got Nahla I took time off for almost four years. But now that job-wise everything is going so well, I definitely want to keep on working. That's why this little baby will travel a lot with me!?
Usher Stepson's Jet Ski Accident: More Details Emerge
Incident report released to MTV News identifies a family friend as the man who struck Kyle Glover with a Jet Ski.
By Rob Markman
<P>Details from the tragic Jet Ski accident that left <a href="/news/articles/1689206/ushers-stepson-declared-brain-dead-after-jet-ski-accident.jhtml">Kyle Glover</a>, stepson to R&B superstar <a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/Usher/artist.jhtml">Usher Raymond</a>, brain dead continue to emerge. The incident report, obtained by MTV News from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, identified Jeffrey S. Hubbard as the vehicle's operator.</P><P>According to the report, Hubbard was operating the watercraft in Atlanta's Lake Lanier when he ran over two juveniles being towed on an inner tube by another boat at approximately 3:25 p.m. ET on Friday. Both of the injured children were flown to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston. While the incident report didn't identify any of the injured by name, it has been reported that 11-year-old Kyle Glover sustained a head injury and had been declared brain dead by doctors, but officials have <a href="http://www.ajc.com/news/reports-ushers-former-stepson-1473926.html">declined</a> to speak on his condition, citing privacy issues. The second victim, a 15-year-old girl, is said to have suffered a cut on the head and a broken arm.</P><P>A media representative at Georgia's DNR told MTV News that Hubbard was no stranger to Glover and that he was a friend of the family. Glover's mother, Tameka Foster, <a href="http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2012/07/usher-stepson-kyle-glover-critical-condition-jet-ski-accident-tameka-foster">spoke</a> to RadarOnline, simply saying, "He's bad."</P><P>According to the site, the distraught mom also took to her Facebook page to send this message: "Kyle, You are strong.. You'll be saved I know it. I love you my baby. I need all #Prayers for my son! thanks you everybody!"</P><P>Foster and Usher were married in 2007, but <a href="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1613894/usher-files-divorce.jhtml">divorced two years later</a> in 2009 and are currently going through a custody battle. They are both reportedly at the hospital.</P><P>This tragedy comes a month after <a href="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1687847/usher-billboard-looking-4-myself.jhtml">Usher released his latest #1 album</a>, <i>Looking 4 Myself.</i></P>
Related ArtistsBig Time Rush See 'Booze And Boobs' In Their Future
While the fate of their Nickelodeon TV show is uncertain, BTR tell MTV News their vacation plans are in the works.
By Cory Midgarden
Captain America
Go see Captain America this weekend! Support our Colin!
I went to the premiere on Tuesday and it was the coolest thing ever. First, the movie is AMAZING and Chris Evans is a superstar. Second, there were so many damn people there it was insane. I have been to movie premieres in New York before and they were nothing like this. I mean, they closed down Hollywood Boulevard. I would've taken photos to show you, but the invite said to leave phones in the car. But here's a photo of me in my cool Captain America 3D glasses:
(Sit down, stop jumping around, it's an awesome picture, I know. And the quality is amazing. It's not grainy or reddish... it's perfect.) (No, it's not.)
(And you can totally see the Captain America logo on the side of the glasses.) (No, you can't.)
Anyway, Captain America is pulling a strong 71% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes right now so GO SEE IT! IT'S FANTASTIC!
'Glee' Star Promises New Britney Spears Hit On Tribute Episode
'I grew up listening to Britney Spears,' Amber Riley reveals to MTV News about the season-four homage.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P>The first time "Glee" paid tribute to the one and only <link type="content" id="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/spears_britney/artist.jhtml">Britney Spears</link>, fans tuned in to not only hear the Gleeks put their spin on some of Brit's biggest tunes, but also to catch a glimpse of the star on the show.</P><P>Now, with <a href="/news/articles/1685127/britney-spears-glee-episode.jhtml">another Britney-centric episode planned</a>, one of the show's stars, Amber Riley, admits that she'd be down to do whatever show creator Ryan Murphy asks her to do for it.</P><P>"I don't really keep my ear to the ground for those things. If it's something they want me to know, they'll let me know," she told MTV News on Wednesday (August 1) when she stopped by the offices to chat about the show's fourth season, kicking off September 13. "They did all the songs that I really liked in the first one."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="'Glee' Star Amber Riley Wants To Perform Britney Spears' 'Circus'" id="vid:822247" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>Sure, some of her favorite tunes may have already been performed, but that doesn't mean there isn't one or two she'd like to put the Mercedes stamp on. "There's so much Britney music. I grew up listening to Britney Spears. She definitely has been a part of my high school years coming up. I would love 'Circus.' 'Circus' is a good one."</P><P>Spears isn't likely to appear in this new tribute episode, but that doesn't mean she isn't destined to run into the "Glee" kids, especially given they are all on Fox shows. When asked if Riley has any plans to chill with the "X Factor" judge at any network holiday parties, she laughed, "No! Probably not."</P><P>With Riley was uncertain of her own role in the Spears episode, some of her co-stars have been more forthcoming about what they will be doing or hope to be doing in the episode. Chris Colfer <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/332350/glee-s-chris-colfer-wants-drama-for-kurt-blaine-hopes-to-sing-britney-spears-in-tribute-episode" target="_blank">has said</a> he hopes to do something from her <i>Femme Fatale</i> era, while Chord Overstreet added, "It's probably one of her most recent singles. We're doing a really cool version of it. It's going to be a little group number. It's going to be fun."</P><P><i>Which Britney Spears songs will be featured in the tribute episode? Give us your guesses in the comments!</i></P>
Related ArtistsUsher's Stepson's Family Asks For Prayers Following Jet Ski Accident
Kile Glover, 11, remains hospitalized after suffering traumatic head injury.
By Nadeska Alexis
<P><MTVNLINK type="artist" id="1270">Usher</MTVNLINK>'s stepson, 11-year-old Kile Glover, remains in the hospital after suffering a traumatic head injury during a <a href="/news/articles/1689261/usher-kyle-glover-jet-ski-jeffrey-s-hubbard.jhtml">jet-ski accident</a> last weekend. Glover, the son of Usher's ex-wife Tameka Foster, was <a href="/news/articles/1689206/ushers-stepson-declared-brain-dead-after-jet-ski-accident.jhtml">pronounced brain dead</a> on Sunday, but his family has issued a statement, saying that they are keeping positive thoughts and asking for prayers.</P><P>"We know God's in control, and are leaning on our faith in Him and His word at this most difficult time," the family told <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/10/showbiz/usher-stepson-injured/index.html" target="_blank">CNN</a> in a statement. "We firmly believe in the power of prayer and ask that you all continue to pray and lift Kile up, as it's the best way we can all support him now."</P><P>According to CNN, Glover's family has already held a vigil for him at the hospital, and Usher visited the 11-year-old the morning after he was admitted to the hospital. The two had reportedly grown close during the R&B singer's two-year marriage to Foster.</P><P>The accident took place on Friday (July 6) when Glover and a second victim, a 15-year-old girl, were struck by a jet-ski while floating on an inner tube in Atlanta's Lake Lanier. Both children were airlifted to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston pediatric hospital. The girl is reported to have suffered from a cut on the head and a broken arm, while Glover took the brunt of the trauma to his head.</P><P>The man driving the jet ski has been identified as 38-year-old Jeffrey S. Hubbard, a family friend. At this time the police have determined that no drugs were involved, and no charges are being pressed. On Sunday TMZ reported that Glover was declared brain dead when doctors determined that he had not experienced any brain activity since he was admitted to the hospital on Friday.</P><P>Friends of Usher and his ex-wife have sent their well-wishes to the family via Twitter. "Wishing @TamekaRaymond's son godspeed recovery. horrible news to hear," Roots drummer Questlove tweeted, while Jermaine Dupri added, "Lifers! pls say a prayer for man Ryan, Tameka, Usher and the Glover family."</P>
Related ArtistsSaturday, July 27, 2013
DJ Khaled Proposed to Nicki Minaj on MTV... No, for Real
Nicki Minaj has won the hearts of many, but no one expected this! In a video message revealed to the world on MTV, rapper DJ Khaled has asked for Minaj’s hand in marriage! Check out the crazy proposal below:
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Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (A Very Gaga Thanksgiving)
Yoü And I (A Very Gaga Thanksgiving)
- Artist: Lady Gaga
- Label: Interscope
- Director: Lady Gaga
- Album: The Greatest Hits, So Far
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Friday Stories
Rachel Zoe Overdresses for the Summer�[The Frisky] Rihanna Breaks Down on Stage�[HollyWire] Ireland Baldwin Loses It on Twitter�[The Celebrity Cafe] Kanye West Off the Hook for Paparazzo Attack�[The Blemish] Blake Shelton Reveals the Real Miranda Lambert�[The Huffington Post] Ryan Reynolds Puts Los Angeles Home on the Market�[Radar Online] Miley Cyrus Slams Justin Bieber�[Girls Talkin Smack] ...
Friday Stories Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Erica Leerhsen Erika Christensen Estella Warren Esther Cañadas
Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Gaga Live Sydney Monster Hall)
Born This Way (Gaga Live Sydney Monster Hall)
- Artist: Lady Gaga
- Label: Streamline/Kon Live/Interscope
- Director: Bernie Zelvis
Lady Gaga - Hair (Gaga Live Sydney Monster Hall)
Hair (Gaga Live Sydney Monster Hall)
- Artist: Lady Gaga
- Label: Streamline/Kon Live/Interscope
- Director: Bernie Zelvis
Friday, July 26, 2013
4 Lessons Only Prince Harry Can Teach the Royal Baby
Everybody has that one wacky uncle, right? For George Alexander Louis, the newborn Prince of Cambridge, that uncle would be Prince Harry. And Harry is preparing to be the best bad influence a little boy could have. While speaking at a charity event on Thursday, Harry announced that he is responsible for making sure Prince William's son "has fun."
Cory Monteith Honored At Emotional 'Glee' Cast Memorial
'Love and miss you, buddy,' Chris Colfer says of his late co-star.
By Gil Kaufman
Cory Monteith
Photo: Getty Images
Erica Leerhsen Erika Christensen Estella Warren Esther Cañadas
Hugh Jackman?s Kids Won?t Admit He?s Cool

Ke$ha - My First Kiss
- Artist: Ke$ha
- Label: Photo Finish Records
- Director: Isaac Ravishankara
- Album: Lean by Jarre
Is Emma Stone Doomed? 'Spider-Man' Director Weighs In
Gwen Stacy's death defined the comic book stories, but will it play out similarly in next year's sequel.
By Kevin P. Sullivan
Watching Miley's New Video Without the Music Is Terrifying
You may think you've seen Miley Cyrus' insane "We Can't Stop" video -- but you haven't really seen it until you watch this version. The website College Humor has removed the music from Miley's video (with the exception of the vocal line) and inserted sound effects to match the visuals. The end result is... disturbing. No, seriously. Watch it below!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Singer Dolly Parton Had Surgery To Stave Off Cancer Threat!
Singer Dolly Parton Had Surgery To Stave Off Cancer Threat!
Dolly Parton has quietly undergone a secret surgery, but this time it’s not for cosmetic reasons! The petite singer reportedly had an operation to insert an implant into her esophagus to help with her gastroesophageal reflux disease. The country star had the five-hour surgery after suffering form the illness for many years. The already tiny ...
Singer Dolly Parton Had Surgery To Stave Off Cancer Threat! Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News
Justin Bieber Aimed To Flex Acting Chops With 'As Long As You Love Me'
Pop star talks about his burgeoning acting career and his upcoming basketball flick with Mark Wahlberg.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber</a> knew that when he shot his clip for "As Long As You Love Me" he wanted to step up his music video game. And in addition to trading lines with <a href="/news/articles/1691125/justin-bieber-michael-madsen-michael-jackson-connection.jhtml">Michael Madsen</a> in the Anthony Mandler-directed video, he also was willing to take a <a href="/news/articles/1691089/justin-bieber-michael-madsen-as-long-as-you-love-me-punch.jhtml">few punches from the "Kill Bill" star</a> for the sake of his art.</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Justin Bieber Dispels 'Fear' Remake Rumors, Confirms 'Men In Black' Cameo" id="vid:765696.id:1684329" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"This video, I wanted it to be a little bit more edgy and have that appeal, but I also wanted it to make sense with the song," he told <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/336589/justin-bieber-talks-acting-handling-all-those-female-fans-more?cmpid=sn-000000-twitterfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=twitterfeed&utm_campaign=twitterfeed_topstories&%3Fcmpid=eonline-twitter&dlvrit=48939" target="_blank">E! News</a>. "And I feel kind of like the whole 'Romeo and Juliet' story and how the dad didn't want [me] to be with the daughter, I just thought that was the perfect [match for the lyrics] 'I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold.' I'll do anything for you to be my girl."</P><P>Given that the video fully display Bieber's burgeoning acting abilities, he admits it's something he's hoping he can try out more and more in his career. And, yes, that includes his long in-the-works <a href="/news/articles/1686835/justin-bieber-basketball-movie-mark-wahlberg.jhtml">flick with Mark Wahlberg</a>.</P><P>"I hope to do some more acting. I've only done a few things like <a href="/news/articles/1645054/justin-biebers-csi-story-line-will-be-explosive.jhtml">'CSI,'</a> but I really want to do some more acting," he said. "Mark Wahlberg and I, we've been working on a script for a long time now... I mean it's like a little basketball concept."</P><P>With a Hollywood career on the horizon and a <a href="/news/articles/1691181/justin-bieber-believe-tour-lucky-fan.jhtml">massive tour</a> set to kick off in September, Bieber shared that he still finds time for himself when he can. "It's just about keeping close family around and getting that time for yourself and to really have alone time and hang out with your friends and stuff like that," he said.</P><P><i>Do you think Bieber has a promising acting career ahead of him? Leave your comment below!</i></P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Justin Bieber - "As Long As You Love Me featuring Big Sean"" isvevo="true" isrc="USUV71201064" id="vid:820040" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P>
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Justin Bieber Searches For One Fan To Dance On Believe Tour
"We're gonna make you believe in magic," tour director Jon Chu says in online casting call.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber</a> is offering up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one of his lucky Beliebers.</P><P>The singer has just launched a campaign where fans can upload videos of themselves dancing. One lucky dancer will score a coveted audition spot with Bieber to try and snag a dancer position on his <a href="/news/articles/1686358/justin-bieber-believe-tour.jhtml"><i>Believe</i> tour</a>.</P><P>Bieber, with the help of his "Never Say Never" helmer and his tour director, Jon M. Chu, will be scouring <a href="http://www.youtube.com/ds2dio" target="_blank">Chu's D-Studio</link> to find the next great dancing talent. The campaign launched Friday (August 3), while in-person dance auditions kicked off earlier this week in L.A.</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Justin Bieber Proving His Haters Wrong With 'Good Music'" id="vid:793035" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>"Justin also has such a huge online component, that's where he was discovered," Chu told <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/335327/Justin-Bieber-Launches-New-Site-to-Find-Dancers-for-Believe-Tour" target="_blank">E! News</a>. "You can upload your own video and audition."</P><P>"We're only looking for the best dancers in the world. I know you and I, we want to take it to a whole other level," choreographer Nick DeMoura added in a video posted with Chu on D-Studio about the tour. "It's gonna be like an epic journey."</P><P>The guys are looking for dancers of all styles. Chu added that Bieber and the team have a certain goal for the tour, "We're gonna make you believe in magic." Submissions must be in by August 17. The tour kicks off September 29 in Glendale, Az. <a href="/news/articles/1690792/carly-rae-jepsen-justin-bieber-tour.jhtml">Carly Rae Jepsen will open</a> for the singer.</P><P>If dancers are looking for some inspiration, <a href="/news/articles/1688265/justin-bieber-after-believe.jhtml">manager Scooter Braun</a> has noted that the King of Pop has been influencing the <a href="/news/articles/1690978/rihanna-only-girl-best-pop-video-video-music-awards.jhtml">VMA-nominated Bieber</a> as of late.</P><P>Not only does Michael Jackson inspire the <a href="/news/articles/1691125/justin-bieber-michael-madsen-michael-jackson-connection.jhtml">"As Long As You Love Me" video</a>, but he also inspires the trek, kicking off this fall.</P><P>"He has been watching a tremendous amount of Michael Jackson concerts from the '80s and '90s," Braun shared. "And he has been talking to me about how Michael incorporated magic and pyro and reveals and he wants to bring in that. [But] still do that acoustic thing, but he wants to take it to a whole new level.</P><P>"It's just really exciting," he continued. "Nothing makes him happier than being onstage. So it's gonna be fun to get back onto the road. I think he was an amazing performer before, but his level of dance and musicianship and his range [has grown]. He's a veteran now. I think he wants to take it to a completely new level."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Is Carly Rae Jepsen Prepared To Hit The Road With Justin Bieber?" id="vid:820624" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P><i>Think you have what it takes to dance on Bieber's tour? Let us know in the comments!</i></P>
Related ArtistsDave Grohl, Josh Homme, John Paul Jones Unveil Supergroup
Them Crooked Vultures make their debut with a post-Lollapalooza set.
By James Montgomery
<P>Officially, <a href="/news/articles/1617945/janes-addiction-killers-turn-up-heat-on-lollapaloozas-last-day.jhtml">Lollapalooza ended Sunday night</a> in Chicago's Grant Park, with dueling sets from <MTVNLINK type="artist" id="1244299">the Killers</MTVNLINK> and <MTVNLINK type="artist" id="702">Jane's Addiction</MTVNLINK>. Unofficially, it ended <i>very</i> early Monday morning, across town at venerable rock club the Metro, with a surprise show by Them Crooked Vultures.</P><P>To the unfamiliar, the Vultures might seem like an odd choice to close out Lolla weekend ... until you realize that they're made up of <MTVNLINK type="artist" id="986">Foo Fighters</MTVNLINK> frontman/ former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, <MTVNLINK type="artist" id="503135">Queens of the Stone Age</MTVNLINK> mastermind Josh Homme and <MTVNLINK type="artist" id="993">Led Zeppelin</MTVNLINK> legend John Paul Jones. And their gig at the Metro was their world premiere.</P><P>According to <a href="http://blogs.suntimes.com/derogatis/2009/08/them_crooked_vultures_at_metro.html" target="_blank">some reports</a>, the Vultures actually turned <i>down</i> Lollapalooza founder Perry Farrell's request to replace the Beastie Boys as headliners at the festival, opting to debut in front of some 1,100 super-psyched fans at the Metro, rather than 75,000 in Grant Park (tickets for the gig were announced via Foo Fighter/ QOTSA fan clubs). Meaning that, in a lot of ways, this was the most sought-after ticket in town.</P><P>Taking the stage just after midnight, the Vultures — Grohl on drums (of course), Homme on guitar and vocals, Jones on bass and keys and frequent QOTSA contributor Alain Johannes on guitar — ripped through 12 songs in 80 minutes, all taken from their upcoming debut, which may or may not be called <i>Never Deserved the Future,</i> and may or may not be hitting stores on October 23 (early "promo" videos touting both those facts were revealed over the weekend to be hoaxes perpetrated by QOTSA fans).</P><P>The songs, with appropriately Homme-ian titles like "Scumbag Blues," "Mind Eraser (No Chaser)," "Caligulove" and "Interlude w/Ludes," sounded pretty much how you'd expect, given the band's pedigree. They rocked, hard — <a href="http://leisureblogs.chicagotribune.com/turn_it_up/2009/08/concert-review-them-crooked-vultures-at-metro.html" target="_blank"><i>Chicago Tribune</i></a> critic Greg Kot described them as "fresh, invigorating and just plain nasty" — delving off into psychedelic, reverb-filled excursions and exploring proggy territory, "both of the old-school Yes variety, and the more modern Tool flavor," according to the <i>Chicago Sun-Times'</i> Jim DeRogatis.</P><P>It's not known if Monday's Metro performance was a one-off event for the Vultures — there have been whispers of a full-blown tour, but a spokesperson for Homme had not responded to MTV News' request for comment at press time. Nor was it clear whether or not they'll have an album out in October.</P><P>Early Monday, a <a href="http://twitter.com/crookedvultures" target="_blank">Crooked Vultures Twitter account</a>, which had previously posted links to the band's <a href="http://www.themcrookedvultures.com/" target="_blank">official-looking Web site</a> and the Metro's online ticketing site — posted a link to what appears to be the group's first bit of official merchandise: a <i>Deserve the Future</i> T-shirt. Cost: $30.</P>
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